God Rewards Obedience

Paperback Edition

This book uses some Bible characters who obeyed God and were rewarded or blessed to illustrate the importance of obedience.

Obedience is doing, or being willing to do, what you are asked to do by someone in authority, such as God, parents, or teachers. For example, Noah obeyed God and built an ark, and he and his family were the only ones saved from the flood. Abraham obeyed God, and God gave him and his posterity the Promised Land, now known as Israel, for an inheritance. Even Naaman, a Syrian who was reluctant to obey God’s instruction but eventually obeyed, was healed of his leprosy. And finally, Jesus the Son of God obeyed His Father by going to the cross for us, and God raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand.

If you too obey God, your parents, and those in authority, you will be rewarded.